Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation is the best book to read published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in date 2012-03-28 referenced with you if you search book about Medical / Drug Guides, . is the best book to read authored by Gerald G. Briggs, Roger K. Freeman, Sumner J. Yaffe, with page count 1728 Pages. you can see book review at the bottom
Download Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk all pages
ISBN: 9781451153590
An A-Z listing of drugs by generic name. Each monograph summarizes the known and/or possible effects of the drug on the fetus. It also summarizes the known/possible passage of the drug into the human breast milk. A careful and exhaustive summarization of the world literature as it relates to drugs in pregnancy and lacation. Each monograph contains six parts: generic US name, Pharmacologic class, Risk factor, Fetal risk summary, Breast feeding summary, References
Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation
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