Preparing for Birth with Yoga this book presented by Element in the year 1994 is very good for you if you search book with category . this book writed by Janet Balaskas, with page count 224 Pages. You can read description at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781852304317
Yoga is a deeply effective exercise system for the months of pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. Completely unstrenuous, it can provide the key to a relaxed and enjoyable pregnancy, activating the energy that empowers us to give birth to a new life.
Beautifully illustrated throughout, this inspiring book is the most comprehensive and practical handbook ever written on the use of yoga in pregnancy. Preparing for Birth with Yoga explains why we need yoga in pregnancy and how it can prepare us effectively for giving birth; how the force of gravity influences our bodies beneficially during pregnancy and birth; gentle and safe easy-to-follow yoga exercises graded for the beginner as well as the more advanced practitioner; how yoga can relieve stress, strengthen the body and help it to become more supple; and how this book can be used as an authoritative reference manual for midwives, antenatal and yoga teachers.
Preparing for Birth with Yoga
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