An Atlas of Transvaginal Color Doppler this is a book that is recommended for you to read published by CRC Press in date 2000-06-15 is represented to you if you search book about Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . this is a book that is recommended for you to read writed by Asim Kurjak, S. Kupesic, with page thickness 472 Pages. you can look book summary at here
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ISBN: 9781850700937
In recent years, there have been dramatic technical advances in diagnostic ultrasound. The advent of color Doppler, power Doppler and, more recently, three-dimensional imaging has very dramatically developed into a revolution of new ways of doing and seeing things. These developments now occur at such a rapid pace that unless you keep up with the developing technology, you will inevitably and inexorably fall behind. An Atlas of Transvaginal Color Doppler, Second Edition represents the current knowledge on one of the newest achievements in obstetric and gynecologic ultrasonography, transvaginal color Doppler.
This second edition completely updates Professor Asim Kurjak's world-renowned atlas of transvaginal color Doppler assessment in pregnancy, infertility, all forms of diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system, pelvis and urinary tract. Each chapter from the last edition has been rewritten and new chapters have been added to expand coverage into such areas as:
" the assessment of intervillous circulation
" studies of the yolk sac
" color Doppler studies of subchorionic hematomas in early pregnancy
" congenital abnormalities
" the postmenopausal pelvis and pelvic pain
" evaluation of the lower urinary tract and transvaginal three-dimensional power Doppler in gynecology and obstetrics
The 29 chapters, 1014 illustrations, and the citation of over 1300 references illustrate the impressive growth in knowledge and expertise in the field of transvaginal color Doppler. An Atlas of Transvaginal Color Doppler, Second Edition contains a thorough review of transvaginal color Doppler and emphasizes new and emerging methods and techniques.
An Atlas of Transvaginal Color Doppler
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