Both Sides of My Skin is a book that contains knowledge published by Annorlunda Books at 2017-12-06 referenced for you if you find book with category Fiction / Family Life / General, . is a book that contains knowledge authored by Elizabeth Trach, with page count 120 Pages. You can read book review bellow
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ISBN: 9781944354275
Motherhood doesn't always look like the sentiments from a greeting card.This collection of four short stories explores the reality of pregnancy and motherhood, from the uncertainty of waiting for pregnancy test results to the strange feeling of not being in control of your own body during pregnancy, labor, and the sometimes suffocating routines of parenting young children. The stories take an unflinching look at the changes motherhood brings, and also challenge our ideas of what stories are worth telling and what it means to be the lead character in your own story when key events are beyond your control.
Both Sides of My Skin
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