Technologies of Sex Selection and Prenatal Diagnosis best book to read presented by Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies at 1993 is represented for you if you want book quote . best book to read composed by Canada. Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, with count of page 276 Pages. you can found book detail at here
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ISBN: 9780662213888
"Prenatal diagnosis, as it has so far been used and as discussed in the previous two volumes, is a means of providing information to women and couples who are at higher risk for a serious disorder - either a congenital anomaly or genetic disease - in their children. As the studies in this volume demonstrate, however, new developments already, or will soon, make it possible to detect prenatally a growing range of attributes, including sex, late-onset single-gene disorders, and susceptibility to some common diseases. This raises important issues for individuals, physicians, and society as a whole to address if potential harms are to be avoided."--Introduction.
Technologies of Sex Selection and Prenatal Diagnosis
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