Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians - E-Book this book unearths the mysteries arguably the most controversial book of all time by Elsevier Health Sciences on 2015-03-10 recommended with you if you search book with category Medical / Veterinary Medicine / General, . this book unearths the mysteries arguably the most controversial book of all time authored by Thomas P. Colville, Joanna M. Bassert, with page thickness 656 Pages. you can found book detail at the bottom
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ISBN: 9780323356206
Start your veterinary technician education off on the right foot with Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians, 3rd Edition. Combining expert clinical coverage with engaging writing and vivid illustrations, this popular text is the key to helping you understand the anatomic and physiologic principles that will carry you throughout your career. In addition to its comprehensive coverage of the diverse ways in which animal bodies function at both the systemic and cellular levels, the new third edition features a variety of helpful application boxes, vocabulary lists, and Test Yourself questions in every chapter to ensure you have a firm grasp of anatomic structure and its relevance to clinical practice.
- High quality, full color illustrations highlight the details of anatomic structure to enhance understanding of anatomy functions.
- Chapter outlines summarize the contents of each chapter at the major concept level.
- Clinical Application boxes throughout the text demonstrate the clinical relevance of anatomic and physiologic principles.
- Test Yourself questions recap important information that appeared in the preceding section.
- Comprehensive glossary at the end of the text provides concise definitions and phonetic pronunciations of terms.
- NEW! Vocabulary Fundamentals list of terms at the beginning of each chapter introduce readers to new scientific terms and their pronunciations.
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians - E-Book
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