Drink & Pee, Eat & Pee, Sleep & Pee, Repeat is a book should you read to your presented by Independently Published in date 2019-09-19 is very recommended for you if you search book quote . is a book should you read to your writed by Bikan's Pubilishing, with count of page 42 Pages. you can look description of the book bellow
Buy Drink & Pee, Eat & Pee, Sleep & Pee, Repeat The Best Week by Week Pregnancy Journal Notebook full pages
ISBN: 9781694164919
This book includes a checklist of things that are important for each month of your pregnancy; check each item off as it is completed. Also included are lined pages for you to keep track of your notes and "to do" lists.Interior pages are lined with a beautiful border that complements the cover.As an expectant mom, you have a lot of things to get done before the big arrival. You may be feeling joy, excitement, anticipation, and even nervousness - all perfectly normal. What you need is a list of what to expect during the next nine months and a detailed plan of what you should do as you progress through each month.You'll probably read a lot of books telling you what to do. Here's a practical solution for you to keep track of what you need to accomplish - just follow the checklist. Extra pages are included for you to keep notes along with 10 extra pages for you to track your research and "to do list."While your pregnancy journal is your beautiful keepsake, your Pregnancy Checklist is your log of what you need to do to prepare for your baby's arrival.You have a nursery to plan, your hospital bag to prepare, a baby shower list to assemble, and a host of other ideas that will pop into your head. This pregnancy checklist book is the perfect size to put in your purse, bag, or briefcase. Carry it with you everywhere you go and even plan to save it as a keepsake with your pregnancy journal after the delivery.
Drink & Pee, Eat & Pee, Sleep & Pee, Repeat
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