Fewer and Better Babies a book the bestselling distribution by Critic and Guide Company at 1915 referenced for you if you find book with category . a book the bestselling writed by William Josephus Robinson, with count of page 247 Pages. you can found sort description bellow
Purchase Fewer and Better Babies Or, The Limitation of Offspring by the Prevention of Conception; the Enormous Benefits of the Practice to the Individual Society and the Race Pointed Out and All Objections Answered full pages
"The author of this new book was good enough to remind me of a few passages contained in my Presidential address delivered before the American Medical Association at its meeting in Atlantic City, in 1912. I asked the question whether there was no way to prevent those who were born into this world from becoming incompetent both physically and mentally. That seemed almost impossible as long as the riches provided by nature and industry were accessible to a part of the nation only. That was why it became an irresistible suggestion that only a certain number of infants should be born. Indeed as long as even the well to do limit the number of their offspring, the advice given the poor, or those to whom the raising of a large family is a task of difficulty or impossibility, to limit the number of their children--even the healthy ones--is more than merely excusable. The case is worse when unhealthy, sick, sickly or infected and contagious children are born. Such an occurrence is a misfortune to the newcomer, to his parents and to society. The least that must be demanded is a clean bill of health. That is why I have often praised clergymen for good citizenship who refuse to marry couples without such a clean bill of health; and the health departments should see to it that contagious sexual diseases should be reported, watched and cured. Nor is this all. Hereditary influences propagate epilepsy, idiocy, feeblemindedness and criminality. Persons thus affected must not be permitted to propagate their ailments. This should be manifestly self evident. The contrary should be declared detrimental to the welfare of the commonwealth and punishable. But this book treats of the subject from many more points of view. The congestion of the population has proved dangerous even when the nation consists of normally average individuals, originally healthy and competent. Hunger, neglect, poverty and chronic ailment have caused and will continue to cause the appearance of malthusians and neomalthusians, and the question whether a family may be large or ought to be small, will always be asked again and again. There is only one country in which that question is regarded with hypocritical sneers, that country is ours; there is only one country in which a man and woman must not think of framing their own future, and constructing their fate and that of their born or unborn children--that is the land of the "free""--Introduction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).
Fewer and Better Babies
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