Reinforced Plastics Durability a good book for you, released by CRC Press at 1999-01-14 is very good for you if you find book with category Technology & Engineering / Materials Science / General, Technology & Engineering / Textiles & Polymers, . a good book for you, made by Geoffrey Pritchard, with page count 374 Pages. you can look book detail at here
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ISBN: 9780849305474
Reinforced plastics are becoming widely adopted for long-term structural use-in everything from buildings and bridges to boats and swimming pools. However, the lifetimes being sought are far greater than the whole history of reinforced plastics production!
Reinforced Plastics Durability explores the strength and weathering characteristics which make the material ideal for numerous applications, but also alerting the user of wear and corrosion-with studies of the processes and mechanisms which cause the deterioration.
Written especially for first-time users of reinforced plastics-engineers, designers, and managers alike-Reinforced Plastics Durability offers substantial introductory information with key concepts. Subsequent chapters examine the long-term threats to the integrity of reinforced plastics: outdoor weathering, solvent/water attack, high temperatures, and repetitive stress.
To maximize durability, contributors to the book report on experience with specific applications over time; the possibility of repair; and use of computer techniques to predict durability.
Despite mentioning many possible threats to durability, Reinforced Plastics Durability emphasizes the fact that reinforced plastics composites have performed very well in most of the application areas. Readers will be able to take advantage of that success-and to possibly take steps toward the next phase of refinements and improvements.
Reinforced Plastics Durability
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