Green Babycare good book to read, this published by Dorling Kindersley Limited in date 2008-05-01 referenced for you if you search book quote Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . good book to read, this authored by Susannah Marriott, with count of page 192 Pages. you can found description of the book at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781405336284
Earth-friendly nappies, plastic-free toys, and organic foods – learn to make greener lifestyle choices for you and your baby
A DK Made with Care book is created using the best ethical and environmental practices possible. Our back cover shows you how we have made this book differently and gives the book's environmental footprint. We have taken great care to source local printers, FSC paper (Forest Stewardship Council) and to use only non-hazardous vegetable inks. Plus we only use printers who look after their workers.
Millions of nappies are thrown away every day and much of baby care is far from environmentally friendly; find out how you can make a difference by choosing greener lifestyle choices for you and your family. Discover how to feed, clothe, clean, entertain and transport your baby in a greener way. Pick up practical step-by-step advice on using alternatives to chemical products; from how to change a reusable nappy to making a lotion for nappy rash. "Green action boxes" feature practical solutions to suit your lifestyle: from recycling toys (light green) to using washable nappies (deeper green).
For parents who want to make a difference to the environment and protect their baby’s future planet.
Green Babycare
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