Is Your Doctor Killing You Slowly? this book promoted by Dr. Mai Ha on 2012-10-03 is very recommended to you if you want book about Health & Fitness / General, . this book writed by Dr. Mai Ha, with count of page 95 Pages. you can found book detail at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781622093335
This book is dedicated to those who seek the truth about total wellbeing and believe they are being slowly killed by their primary care physicians who continue to prescribe copious amounts of drugs for each and every malady. We are having a medical crisis. Do not wait until the morgue can not process the bodies fast enough to have doubt in the medical system. My goal is to inform the general public about the dangers of our fake health care system. Most people do not know that the medications their trusted doctor is prescribing them are killing them slowly! Our health care model is designed to confuse patients and minimize physician responsibility. This book will help you understand how your body works and how YOU can manage your own complete health care, not just specific medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, heartburn, depression, insomnia, allergies etc.
Instead of empowering patients to know more about their illnesses, doctors have instilled fear in them and prescribed unnecessary drugs, tests, and surgeries to justify large medical bills and make the drug companies obscenely wealthy. Doctors get paid well at our expense (body and wallet).
Most of my patients have benefited greatly from my extensive education, deep-rooted culture, diverse background, and utmost honesty in teaching them about medicine the way it should be taught (basic and true), and it was through their inspiration that I wrote this book. In truth I feel I had no choice. No doctor would dare expose the awful truth regarding our broken medical system for fear their financial status will be compromised. My ultimate intention is to help every person maintain an independent mind and body until they breathe their last breath with dignity.
Is Your Doctor Killing You Slowly?
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