The Social Context of Birth good book title distribution by Radcliffe Publishing on 2003 is represented with you if you want book with category Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, Social Science / General, . good book title made by Caroline Squire, with page count 319 Pages. You can read book description at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781857755541
All babies are born into a social context and all women give birth within a social context. This is often neglected in the relentiessly technocratic modern oulture of childbirth. This book provides many valuable insights for midwives, nurses, obstetricians and health visitors into the many different lives, experiences and expectations of women in their childbearing years. This comprehensive guide provides an understanding of the impact of social circumstances on women giving birth, their babies, and families in the 21st Century. Written by a team of experienced midwives and health professionals, it also covers contentious areas of maternity care, such as new reproductive technologies and the concept of fetal surveillance. Overall, it provides an essential understanding of how social issues can affect the birth process. Book jacket.
The Social Context of Birth
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