Critical Care Toxicology best book published by Springer International Publishing on 2019 recommended with you if you search book with category . best book authored by Jeffrey Brent, Keith Burkhart, Paul Dargan, Benjamin Hatten, Bruno Megarbane, Robert Palmer, Julian White, with count of page 3058 Pages. you can found description bellow
Purchase Critical Care Toxicology Diagnosis and Management of the Critically Poisoned Patient all pages
ISBN: 9783319207902
"Building on the previous edition with contributions from internationally renowned experts this book provides a fully comprehensive resource for managing the post emergency/treatment stage of acute poisoning. Chapters incorporate evidence-based paradigms with up-to-date citations from the original medical literature. Topic areas covered include: diagnosis and management of the critically poisoned patient, including pediatric patients and poisoning in pregnancy; toxic syndromes including hepatoxic and pulmonary syndromes as well as poisonings from medications, drugs of abuse, chemical and biological agents. This book is an essential resource for Clinical Toxicologists, Intensivists and Emergency Medicine specialists in training and in practice." - Prové de l'editor.
Critical Care Toxicology
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