Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology a book offers a quality story time experience published by Oxford University Press in date 2006 recommended with you if you search book about Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . a book offers a quality story time experience authored by Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, with count of page 297 Pages. you can see book description at here
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ISBN: 9780198567301
This essential handbook provides a practical, accessible guide to emergency situations encountered in obstetrics and gynaecology. Designed around the symptoms and signs with which the patient presents to the hospital, it explains how to arrive at a differential diagnosis and to prevent,manage, or treat an emergency. The obstetric emergencies section covers topics from early pregnancy through to post-delivery complications, whilst the gynaecologic emergencies section addresses those issues that could potentially pose a threat to a women's fertility or even her life.This book will provide trainees and specialist nurses in obstetrics and gynaecology and emergency medicine with an invaluable source of information that can be carried in the pocket, handbag, or briefcase.
Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
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