Ending Pain in Pregnancy a book offers a quality story time experience presented by Duplex Publishing in the year 2014-09-25 is very good to you if you search book quote . a book offers a quality story time experience writed by Isa Herrera, with page count 412 Pages. You can read description of the book at here
Download Ending Pain in Pregnancy Trade Secrets for an Injury-Free Childbirth, Relieving Pelvic Girdle Pain, and Creating Powerful Pelvic Muscles full pages
ISBN: 9780692237212
Ending Pain In Pregnancy, by Isa Herrera, is the first comprehensive book to give women and practitioners the tools and trade secrets to treat and prevent the pains that can occur during and after pregnancy.As a physiotherapist and trainer treating pregnant women for two decades, Ms. Herrera found that many physical therapists and especially patients did not have the tools to relieve common pregnancy-related conditions such as low back pain, sciatica, incontinence, pubic bone and pelvic pain. Ending Pain in Pregnancy shares Herrera's Renew Program for WomenTM, her trade secrets and easy-to-learn self-healing and pain-relieving tools. These include core exercises, self-massage, exercise and pelvic muscle training, which will improve your quality of life during pregnancy and prepare women for delivery and motherhood.In Ending Pain in Pregnancy Herrera writes, "I put together my most tried-and-true tools, techniques and exercises that, when incorporated into a pregnant woman's day-to-day routine, brings profound pain relief, restores function, rebuilds strength, improves stability, and most importantly transforms the body so that you are ready to push, give birth and ultimately recover...The medical community may tell you to live with these aches and pains, that they are an inescapable part of pregnancy. But this is absolutely not true. You can help yourself and you don't have to live with pain."Herrera's previous book, Ending Female Pain, A Woman's Manual, now in its 2nd expanded edition with a companion DVD, continues to be the most comprehensive resource to address women's pelvic floor conditions and post-pregnancy pelvic and scar pain. Herrera's physiotherapy techniques, self-care practices, relaxation tips, and pain-relieving techniques have enabled countless patients to return to a pain-free lifestyle. Ms. Herrera's mission is to educate women everywhere who suffer needlessly, helping them to become the heroines of their own stories and to regain pain free lives. Ending Pain in Pregnancy is just the resource women need to achieve that goal.More Info at www.EndingPainInPregnancy.com, www.EndingFemalePain.com, www.RenewPT.com, or call toll-free 1-877-RenewPT (877-736-3978)
Ending Pain in Pregnancy
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