Sex and Pregnancy in Adolescence good book to read, this official by SAGE Publications in date 1981-11 is very good with you if you search book quote Family & Relationships / General, . good book to read, this authored by Melvin Zelnik, John F. Kantner, Kathleen Ford, with page count 272 Pages. you can look book review at here
Purchase Sex and Pregnancy in Adolescence all pages
ISBN: 9780803917330
'...This book is a good resource for any senior-level social science undergraduate who understands basic statistics and for graduate students in sociology, population studies, and social work who are interested in teenage sex and pregnancy.' -- Choice, October 1982
'This book represents the detailed report of the well-known 1971 and 1976 national surveys of adolescent premarital sexual behavior, contraceptive use, and pregnancy outcome...For those who wish further understanding of the history, design, sample selection, methodology, and validity of these classic studies, here it is!' -- Journal of Adolescent Health Care, Vol 4 No 2, June 1983
'This is an important book that carefully traces the difficult and
Sex and Pregnancy in Adolescence
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