Conservative California Girls is a book that is released by Page Publishing Inc at 2019-07-08 is very recommended to you if you search book with category Fiction / Political, . is a book that is writed by Michael Mullaney, with page count 128 Pages. you can found description of the book at here
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ISBN: 9781643509013
Lights! Camera! Action! Meet Belinda and Marilyn—two conservative, fun-loving California girls who are damn proud of their conservative beliefs and are very serious about saving America from Commie Liberals while riding around in red convertibles and listening to disco music. Belinda and Marilyn are California roommates who want to stop abortion and gay marriage and want to champion the ideas of organizations like the John Birch Society and the Tea Parties. They are dead serious about wanting to make Hollywood more conservative and constitutional and wind up meeting famous actors and directors in Hollywood. They want to open up a pro-life crisis pregnancy center in California to save the lives of innocent, helpless babies who are being killed through abortion. Belinda and Marilyn want to see the wall built but are also concerned about the unnecessary oppressive domestic spying that Edward Snowden uncovered. The conservative California girls meet Antonio—a gorgeous, charming Italian young man who will help them in their heroic efforts. Ditto Richard Gere—the very famous handsome actor who chooses one of the California girls to star in a sequel to the awesome film First Knight with Sean Connery. It was a movie that proved chivalry is not dead and that showed fighting for what is right can be very romantic and even thrilling. Read on as Eduardo Verastegui, the dashing, romantic leading man in the pro-life film Bella and even George Lucas of Star Wars fame get in on the action. It is Three's Company meets Michael Savage. If you're tired of people painting conservatives as dull and boring, this is the book for you! No retreat, no surrender. Jump in the flashy red convertible and blast the disco music. Conservative California Girls is the book we've all been waiting for!
Conservative California Girls
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