Obstetric Syndromes and Conditions this book official by Taylor & Francis on 1998-05-15 is represented to you if you find book about Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . this book authored by J.P. O'Grady, R.T. Burkman, with count of page 408 Pages. you can see book description bellow
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ISBN: 9781850707547
This is an advanced clinical textbook covering in detail some of the complex medical and surgical problems that can occur during pregnancy but are generally ignored in other books. In six main sections dealing with normal pregnancy, psychiatric and psychological conditions, pelvic conditions, neurologic conditions, genetic conditions, and special problems, the book contains forty chapters on syndromes and conditions that are often frustrating or confusing to obstetricians, giving rise to uncertainty, delay, or erroneous diagnosis. The chapters are written by a distinguished and wide-ranging group of practitioners, including obstetric generalists and specialists, clinicians from other specialties, and certified nurse midwives. Editors O'Grady and Buckman, highly respected obstetricians and lecturers in their own right, have prepared this work as a practical guide that comprehensively examines the incidence and presentation of, and methods for establishing the diagnosis and suggested treatment for, a large variety of conditions in the hope of avoiding future "meddlesome midwifery," inappropriate medical testing, and unnecessary surgery. Includes bibliographic references, suggested readings, and index.
Obstetric Syndromes and Conditions
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