A Solitary Sorrow a title book review, by Crown Publishing Group at 2011-09-14 is represented with you if you search book quote Family & Relationships / Death, Grief, Bereavement, Religion / Christian Life / General, Religion / Christian Life / Women's Issues, . a title book review, authored by Teri Reisser, Dr. Paul Reisser, with count of page 224 Pages. you can look book review bellow
Reading A Solitary Sorrow Finding Healing & Wholeness after Abortion all pages
ISBN: 9780307805508
This impressive book is written by a family therapist and a physician who have counseled hundreds of post-abortive women. Honest, accurate, and practical, it offers hope and encouragement to women seeking healing after abortion. A must for post-abortive women, their friends and family, pregnancy center counselors and other who seek to help.
A Solitary Sorrow
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