Leading Antenatal Classes a day shipping and buy book official by Butterworth-Heinemann on 1991 is very good to you if you want book about Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . a day shipping and buy book made by Judy Priest, Judith Schott, with count of page 241 Pages. you can found description at here
Buy Leading Antenatal Classes A Practical Guide all pages
ISBN: 9780750600507
A book full of practical ideas and straightforward advice showing health professionals how to plan, organize, run and evaluate antenatal classes. The underlying theme in the book is on working with a group of people, discovering their needs, interests, concerns and aspirations, rather than lecturing at them. It is about how to teach effectively, not what to teach. It demonstrates the importance of understanding how adults learn, regularly assessing ones own goals and of planning sessions that will keep parents (and teachers) awake, involved and more satisfied with the whole experience of antenatal education.
Leading Antenatal Classes
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