Ultrasound and Early Pregnancy this is the title of a famous book presented by Taylor & Francis at 1995-11-15 is very recommended to you if you search book quote Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, . this is the title of a famous book made by E. Jauniaux, D. Jurkovic, with count of page 164 Pages. you can found book review at here
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ISBN: 9781850706151
This is a color-illustrated high-level reference text documenting the latest developments in obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound assessment and diagnosis during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is a technical work containing original, new data as well as literature reviews by prominent authorities. The book focuses on innovative, clinically effective uses of ultrasonography, including Doppler ultrasound, in assessing and diagnosing embryonic and fetal features and complications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Ultrasound and Early Pregnancy
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