Women and New Reproductive Technologies whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book published by Psychology Press on 1991 is represented for you if you find book about Law / Medical Law & Legislation, . whether you're looking for a nice book for your boss, read this book composed by Judith Rodin, Aila Collins, with count of page 171 Pages. you can found book content at the bottom
Purchase Women and New Reproductive Technologies Medical, Psychosocial, Legal, and Ethical Dilemmas all pages
ISBN: 9780805809190
Although major breakthroughs in reproductive technology have created dramatic opportunities for many people, they are not without problems. More significant than the question of whether the technologies are "good" or "bad," however, is for whom they are good, in what instances, and to whom they should be made accessible. These issues can be debated at multiple levels; from the ethical implications, to the social and psychological consequences for society and for the individual, to the legal and medical outcomes. Each chapter highlights a different array of problems and benefits, while emphasizing four major themes: the impact of technology on women's lives; the role of women; the individual versus society; and the fetus as patient.
Women and New Reproductive Technologies
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