Massage For Good Health best book to read presented by Diamond Pocket Books Pvt Ltd in date 2014-08-19 is represented for you if you find book with category . best book to read writed by Dr. Rajeev Sharma, with count of page 181 Pages. you can found description of the book at here
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ISBN: 9789351652908
Massage is the oldest of all the techniques for relieving pain, shaping the organs, regenerating the tissues and correcting all internal functions. It is the eighth and the last principle of yoga.
The book presents a holistic approach to healing and beautification of the body through massage in a scientific way. Massage is good for health for all. Massage or the operation of healing hands had great importance in the ancient history of the world; perhaps there may not be much science and technology. But ancient Indian surgeons studied the art of massage from the famous medical books of Charak, Ashtanga Hridaya and Susruta Samhita. Most of the orthopaedic injuries and pains were cured by massage. Nowadays, massage centres in Kerala are famous for treating and curing many diseases by different kinds of oils prepared by a combination of ayurvedic medicines. Such centres are attracting the foreigners in large number. Tourism has developed in Kerala fastly due to this.
Massage For Good Health
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