Total Massage a book for you released by Thunder Bay Press in the year 2004 is represented to you if you find book with category Health & Fitness / Massage & Reflexology, . a book for you authored by Gill Tree, with count of page 192 Pages. you can found sort description bellow
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ISBN: 9781592232949
Soothe away tension with this comprehensive step-by-step manual on the healing power of touch. Beginning with an introduction to the basic principles of massage, Total Massage progresses through suggestions for creating a relaxing atmosphere and learning safety guidelines. Instructions on massage fundamentals include combing and raking, percussive techniques, circling, and using the forearm. With the techniques mastered, the book moves on to massage lessons for specific body parts, self-massage, and programs for special circumstances, such as pregnancy and jetlag. Over 300 color photographs and 80 different massage techniques are featured in this progressive program, suitable for beginner to advanced levels.
Total Massage
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