Better Homes and Gardens New Baby Book book for those interested in important released by Bantam on 1985 is very recommended with you if you search book about . book for those interested in important authored by Better Homes and Gardens, Edwin Kiester, Sally Valente Kiester, with page thickness 404 Pages. You can read book summary bellow
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ISBN: 9780553261141
THE CLASSIC BABY BOOK -- NOW UPDATED FOR A THIRD GENERATION OF PARENTSThe Better Homes and Gardens "RM" New Baby Book combines old-fashioned wisdom with the latest information on caring for and nurturing your child from birth to age three. With advice from the nation's leading obstetricians, pediatricians, and child-care experts, this indispensable guide also includes practical tips from mothers nationwide. You'll find essential guidance on: PREGNANCYexercise; weight gain and nutrition; prenatal care; choosing an obstetrician; planning work leaveTHE BIG DAYtraditional and alternative childbirth methods, including natural birthing methodsBRINGING HOME BABYrecovering from the birth; learning to breast-feed; belly button care; the art of bathing and diapering; baby's first checkupTODDLERHOODhandling temper tantrums and the bedtime blues; successful toilet training; your child's first words, steps, teeth, shoes, and haircutTHE WORKING MOTHER'S SURVIVAL GUIDEchoosing good day care; balancing work and home pressures; overcoming guiltPLUSnursery and childproofing basics; first-aid tips; an Encyclopedia of Common Illnesses and Diseases; and real-life letters from mothers to mothers
Better Homes and Gardens New Baby Book
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