Manual of High Risk Pregnancy & Delivery this book contributes to knowledge you promoted by Mosby at 1998 is very good to you if you want book quote . this book contributes to knowledge you made by Elizabeth Stepp Gilbert, Judith Smith Harmon, with page count 830 Pages. You can read book summary bellow
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ISBN: 9780815144625
MANUAL OF HIGH RISK PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY, 2ND EDITION is designed to provide comprehensive information on high risk maternity care in a concise, portable, accessible format so that these health care professionals can gain this knowledge. Utilizing the nursing process as the organizational framework for discussions, this text emphasizes health promotion, risk screening, and prevention of complications in pregnancy. Coverage of various complications in pregnancy includes incidence, etiology, physiology, pathophysiology, and usual medical management. Collaborative problems and desired outcomes are also addressed.
* Emphasizes health promotion, risk screening, and prevention of complications * Covers every complication, and features integration of relevant physiology and a clear nursing focus throughout * New to this edition: the advanced practice nurse's role in implementing care * home care throughout pregnancy and delivery * new information on multiple gestation, pulmonary complications, and infection/sepsis during pregnancy.
Manual of High Risk Pregnancy & Delivery
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