Unfit Subjects a title book to read published by Routledge at 2004-03-12 is represented to you if you find book with category Education / General, Education / Aims & Objectives, Education / Parent Participation, Education / Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects, Family & Relationships / Life Stages / Adolescence, Social Science / Gender Studies, . a title book to read authored by Wanda S. Pillow, with count of page 272 Pages. you can look book summary bellow
Download Unfit Subjects Education Policy and the Teen Mother, 1972-2002 full pages
ISBN: 9781134000678
Wanda Pillow presents a critical analysis of federal law and polciy towards pregnant teens, representations of teen pregnancy in popular culture and educational policy assesses how schools provide educational opportunities for school aged mothers. Through in- depth analysis of specific policies and programmes, both past and present, thsi book traces America's successes and failures in educating pregnant teens. Unfit Subjects uses feminist, race and poststructural theories to inform a satisfactory educational policy.
Unfit Subjects
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