Sex and Romance During Pregnancy and After the Birth online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book official by AuthorHouse in the year 2010-06 is represented for you if you find book quote Education / General, Family & Relationships / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships, Health & Fitness / Sexuality, . online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book made by Adelaide E. Aduboffour, with page count 140 Pages. you can see book content at here
Read Sex and Romance During Pregnancy and After the Birth What Expectant Couples Need to Know all pages
ISBN: 9781452022741
This book provides information on:
1.Physical and psychological changes during pregnancy and how it can affect your relationship and sex life
2.Enjoying sex and intimacy during pregnancy
3.Different positions to try as the bump grows bigger
4.when to refrain from sex.
5.How to be adventurous and creative when penetrative sex is not an option
6.Practical experiences shared by couples.
7.Myths and cultural beliefs surrounding sex and childbirth
8.Easing into your normal sex life after the birth of your baby.
9.Tips to help you and your partner to make most of your love life during this life -changing experience.
Sex and Romance During Pregnancy and After the Birth
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