My Pregnancy a well written book and published by Dorling Kindersley Limited in date 2011-09 recommended for you if you find book about Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . a well written book and made by Virginia Beckett, with count of page 400 Pages. you can look book content at here
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ISBN: 9781405363778
Your pregnancy guide with the personal touch
From pre-conception through to the first six weeks after your baby's birth, My Pregnancy is packed with practical how-to and real-life experience. Written by six experts who are also mums themselves it's like having your own personal team of experts on-hand whenever you need them. They will help reassure you and answer all your questions advising you on antenatal care, nutrition, childbirth, fitness, baby care and emotional well being.
Tips, ideas and words of encouragement from each of the experts appear throughout as well as "It happened to me" sections where they share their own personal stories and pearls of wisdom about pregnancy, birth and new motherhood.
Feel informed without being overwhelmed with My Pregnancy, the perfect pregnancy guide and a beautiful gift for all mothers-to-be.
My Pregnancy
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