The Birth Partner a book the bestselling by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in the year 2008-01-15 is very good to you if you find book quote Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, . a book the bestselling composed by Penny Simkin, with page count 398 Pages. you can found book detail at the bottom
Download The Birth Partner A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions all pages
ISBN: 1558323570
Since its original publication in 1989, The Birth Partner has been both the definitive guide to preparing to help a woman through childbirth and the essential manual to have on hand during the event. The book includes detailed information on the stages and phases of labor, anesthesia and other pain medications, non-drug techniques for easing labor pain, complications and medical interventions, and tests and treatments of the fetus and newborn. Also included are chapters on the last few weeks of pregnancy, the first few days post partum, and getting started with breastfeeding. There are numerous helpful drawings, graphs, and tables,and darkened page edges for quick reference during labor.This fully updated and substantially revised third edition provides new information on topics such as: Elective induction of labor Supporting a woman who is considered "high risk" Helping a woman who has had an epidural (which relieves pain but can cause unpleasant side effects), and Maximizing a woman's chance for a vaginal rather than a cesarean birth, even if she has had one cesarean already This edition also includes more information for and about doulas (labor assistants), who are quickly growing in popularity and who represent a large number of the book's readers. For the dad, doula, sister, or friend who wishes to help a woman have a safe and satisfying birth experience, The Birth Partner is truly indispensable.
The Birth Partner
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