The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology a good book to read in my spare time presented by Oxford University Press at 2019 referenced with you if you want book with category . a good book to read in my spare time composed by Lisa L. M. Welling, Todd Kennedy Shackelford, with count of page Pages. you can found sort description bellow
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ISBN: 9780190649753
Although most will be at least somewhat familiar with the biological role hormones play during puberty and pregnancy, many are likely unaware that hormones - chemical messengers that are secreted by cells and that travel through the body to reach specialized receptors - impact multiple aspects of our lives from conception onward. Behavioural endocrinology and evolutionary psychology are complementary disciplines wherein scholars seek to understand human behaviour. Evolutionary psychologists contend that human psychology and behaviour are functional outcomes of natural and sexual selection pressures encountered in the ancestral environment. In this view, selection pressures designed adaptations of the mind and body, which produce behaviour through a variety of psychological, neurological, and physiological mechanisms.
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology
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