Retro Baby is a book that contains knowledge distribution by American Academy of Pediatrics in date 2013-10-22 recommended to you if you find book about Family & Relationships / General, Family & Relationships / Activities, Family & Relationships / Parenting / General, Medical / Pediatrics, . is a book that contains knowledge authored by Anne H. Zachry, with page count 190 Pages. you can found sort description bellow
Reading Retro Baby Cut Back on All the Gear and Boost Your Baby's Development with More Than 100 Time-tested Activities all pages
ISBN: 9781581108118
Baby bouncers, carriers, electronic toys, and ?educational” videos are intended to make our children smarter and our lives easier, but can their overuse negatively impact infant development? Absolutely. Retro Baby: Cut Back on Infant Gear, Media and Smart Toys, and Boost Your Baby's Development with Time-Tested Activities helps caregivers understand the potential dangers of extended equipment use and overexposure to technology.
Retro Baby brings 20 years of experience from an occupational therapist and mother of three into your home. Anne Zachry, Ph.D. understands that each family and baby have different needs, and she offers flexible strategies and suggestions for playtime. With ?back to the basic” ideas, Dr. Zachry gives you lots of opportunities to spend one-on-one time with your baby, creating that special bond that will last a lifetime.
Retro Baby
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