Women of Ideas one of the 50 books to read distribution by Oxford University Press on 2021-04-22 is very good with you if you search book about Philosophy / General, Social Science / Feminism & Feminist Theory, Social Science / Women's Studies, Philosophy / Political, Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Philosophy, Philosophy / Aesthetics, . one of the 50 books to read writed by Suki Finn, with count of page 272 Pages. you can found sort description at here
Purchase Women of Ideas Interviews from Philosophy Bites all pages
ISBN: 9780192603791
Thirty leading women philosophers draw on and advance the rich heritage of the philosophical tradition to explore topics of pressing interest for today. Women of Ideas is edited by Suki Finn, based upon interviews by David Edmonds and Nigel Warburton, from Philosophy Bites, the world's foremost philosophy podcast. These conversations illuminate diverse aspects of being human: personal, social, ethical, and political. The contributors discuss the relations between humans and animals, between genders, between tastes, between cultures, and between nations. They look at some of the things that are wrong with our world, such as injustice, deprivation, and bias; they consider the role of civility, trust, and consent in our interactions. There are reflections on the history of philosophy from Plato to Beauvoir, comparisons between Western philosophy and Buddhist philosophy, and discussion of philosophy in Africa. The volume concludes by investigating how philosophy works, how it makes progress, and its role in public life. Anyone interested in philosophical reflection on themselves and our world will find much to stimulate them here.
Women of Ideas
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