Birth Mother is a book that is by Shebooks in the year 2014-07-23 is very recommended with you if you search book quote Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs, Family & Relationships / Adoption & Fostering, . is a book that is writed by Denise Emanuel Clemen, with count of page 46 Pages. you can found description at the bottom
Reading Birth Mother A Memoir full pages
ISBN: 9781940838601
Pregnant from her first sexual encounter, a teenager living in a town of 3,000 Catholics keeps her secret from everyone until six weeks before the baby’s due date. Hustled out of town and hidden in the Iowa countryside within hours of finally confiding in her mother, she concocts a scheme that will allow her to raise her child, but can she win over any of the people who might help her? As her pregnancy and its looming consequences unfold, she realizes that her life of lies and secrets has only just begun.
Birth Mother
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