I'm So Pregnant the best book of the day presented by Simon and Schuster on 2017-03-07 is very good for you if you find book about Humor / Form / Comic Strips & Cartoons, Humor / Topic / Marriage & Family, Humor / General, . the best book of the day made by Line Severinsen, with count of page 128 Pages. You can read book review at here
Read I'm So Pregnant An illustrated look at the ups and downs (and everything in between) of pregnancy full pages
ISBN: 9781507204511
The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy meets Lobster Is the Best Medicine in this collection of funny illustrations that perfectly depicts the awkward and uncomfortable realities of pregnancy—because creating a tiny human isn’t just sunshine and smiles.
Being “a little bit pregnant” may not be a thing. But being “so pregnant”? It’s so possible. In this hilarious book, mom and illustrator Line Severinsen delivers the often ignored, but always honest truth about those magical—and sometimes messy—nine months of pregnancy.
From morning sickness that lasts all day to weird dreams that last all night and heartburn that just won’t quit, I’m So Pregnant perfectly captures what it is really like being pregnant. Unlike strangers touching your belly, these playful and adorable cartoons will touch your heart and give a whole new meaning to “belly laugh.”
I'm So Pregnant
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