The Diabetes in Pregnancy Dilemma this book promoted by University Press of America at 2006 is represented for you if you find book about Medical / Reproductive Medicine & Technology, . this book writed by Oded Langer, with count of page 720 Pages. you can see book review at here
Buy The Diabetes in Pregnancy Dilemma Leading Change with Proven Solutions full pages
ISBN: 9780761832706
The Diabetes in Pregnancy Dilemma fulfills an unmet need in the study of diabetes in pregnancy through the study of unconventional topics such as the metabolic syndrome, obesity, glucose threshold related to outcome of pregnancy, the rationale for describing gestational diabetes as a clinical entity, Type 2 diabetes in pregnancy, psychosocial issues, oral anti-diabetic drugs, and drug safety in pregnancy.
The Diabetes in Pregnancy Dilemma
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