The Ovary a book offers a quality story time experience promoted by Academic Press on 1977 is represented with you if you want book about . a book offers a quality story time experience composed by Solly Baron Zuckerman, Barbara J. Weir, with page count 555 Pages. you can see book review bellow
Purchase The Ovary Physiology all pages
ISBN: 9780127826028
Physiology: The Ovary, Volume II, Second Edition provides an account of the principal aspects of ovarian development, structure and function. The book presents information derived from experimental and chemical studies of the ovary. The articles in the text discuss topics on the control of ovarian development in invertebrates; transplantation of the ovary; ovarian endocrine activities; the relationship of the ovary and the nervous system to behavior; and the nature of environmental variables that alter ovarian function. Physiologists, obstetricians, physicians, and students of medicine will fi ...
The Ovary
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