Body Mechanics and Self-care Manual a book that offers an interesting experience, this book promoted by Prentice Hall in the year 2001 is very recommended to you if you find book about Health & Fitness / General, Medical / Allied Health Services / Occupational Therapy, . a book that offers an interesting experience, this book authored by Marian Wolfe Dixon, with page count 290 Pages. you can see book review at the bottom
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ISBN: 9780838507476
This book shows bodywork professionals who may be experiencing symptoms of fatigue, stress, or overuse, how to heal themselves and prevent injuries from recurring. It teaches healthy bodyworkers how to stay that way, and to help clients who suffer from repetitive motion injuries. Chapter topics include principles of physics—moving and static objects, weight and pressure; eastern influences on body mechanics; unpatterning; repetitive motion and other common injuries; taking care of yourself—physiologically and psychologically; and adaptations for special populations/conditions. For all licensed massage therapists, neuropaths, chiropractors and chiropractic assistants, acupuncturists, physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, certified nursing assistants, and expressive art therapists.
Body Mechanics and Self-care Manual
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