2017 Nurse's Drug Handbook is book for ideas, concepts and methods to improve your convenience presented by Jones & Bartlett Learning in the year 2016-11-04 recommended to you if you find book with category Medical / Drug Guides, Medical / Nursing / Pharmacology, Medical / Physician & Patient, . is book for ideas, concepts and methods to improve your convenience writed by Jones & Bartlett Learning, Jones And Bartlett Learning, with count of page 1368 Pages. you can look description of the book at the bottom
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ISBN: 9781284099331
Jones & Bartlett Learning 2017 Nurse’s Drug Handbook is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference. Updated annually, it provides accurate and timely facts on hundreds of drugs from A-Z. Written in a no-nonsense style that speaks your language in terms you use every day, it offers concise and consistently formatted drug entries organized alphabetically. Please Note: Mobile App access must be purchased separately and access is not included within the eBook.
2017 Nurse's Drug Handbook
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