Foundations of Maternal-newborn Nursing a book that is just right for you, presented by Saunders in the year 2002 is represented to you if you search book with category Medical / Nursing / Maternity, Perinatal, Women's Health, . a book that is just right for you, made by Sharon Smith Murray, Emily Slone McKinney, Trula Gorrie, with page count 1072 Pages. you can see description of the book at here
Purchase Foundations of Maternal-newborn Nursing all pages
ISBN: 9780721694351
This book provides step-by-step instruction in assessments and interventions so beginning level users can function quickly in the clinical area . The book carefully integrates the importance of understanding family, culture, client teaching, communication, and critical thinking all into the overall continuum of nursing care. The third edition includes alternative and complementary therapies and evidence-based practice to focus on today's nursing practice.
(Includes a FREE CD-ROM and SIMON website at:
Foundations of Maternal-newborn Nursing
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