Directionally Challenged is a book that is official by New Hope Publishers in date 2007 is represented for you if you find book about Religion / Christian Living / General, Religion / Christian Living / Personal Growth, Religion / Christian Living / Spiritual Growth, Religion / Christian Living / Calling & Vocation, Religion / Christian Ministry / Discipleship, Self-Help / Personal Growth / General, . is a book that is composed by Travis Collins, with page count 224 Pages. you can see book content bellow
Read Directionally Challenged How to Find and Follow God's Course for Your Life all pages
ISBN: 9781596690752
Does trying to follow God's call in your life leave you feeling directionally challenged? God rarely tells us where He's taking us or exactly how to get there. Instead, like a compass, He points us in the general direction we are to go.
In Directionally Challenged, trusted pastor Travis Collins helps Christians discern God's compass for their lives. Collins offers help to Christians who have gotten sidetracked and encouragement for those whose priorities have been overturned and life's callings set aside. In his warm and engaging way, Collins provides sound, biblical teaching on finding the courage, conviction, and character needed to discern and live God's call.
Directionally Challenged
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