Pre-eclampsia online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book released by Cambridge University Press at 2007-05-10 recommended to you if you find book about Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Reproductive Medicine & Technology, . online shopping for books from a great selection of existing book, this book composed by Fiona Lyall, Michael Belfort, with page count 548 Pages. you can see book description at here
Buy Pre-eclampsia Etiology and Clinical Practice for free
ISBN: 9781139463676
Pre-eclampsia is one of the leading causes of death and disability in mothers and babies. Over four million women worldwide will develop the disorder every year. This book, written by an international team of experts, focuses on both the scientific basis of pre-eclampsia and its management. The basic science section contains reviews of the most exciting research developments in pre-eclampsia. The clinical chapters provide a comprehensive review of the pertinent literature, highlighting data and ideas or developments in management. There is a section in each chapter (where relevant) that deals with practical management, giving clinicians a formulated treatment plan that they can implement directly. The book was originally published in 2007, and will have continuing relevance for all professionals interested in the reproductive sciences, and to obstetricians and physicians with an interest in pre-eclampsia.
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