The Little Book of Baby Massage is a long and complex book official by Dorling Kindersley Limited in the year 2020-01-02 is very good with you if you search book with category Health & Fitness / Children's Health, Health & Fitness / Massage & Reflexology, Medical / Alternative & Complementary Medicine, Health & Fitness / Sleep & Sleep Disorders, Health & Fitness / Aromatherapy, Family & Relationships / Parenting / Motherhood, Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, Family & Relationships / Parenting / Child Rearing, . is a long and complex book composed by Jo Kellett, with page thickness 144 Pages. you can see book detail at here
Purchase The Little Book of Baby Massage Use the Power of Touch to Calm Your Baby all pages
ISBN: 9780241444672
Easy massage routines to soothe your baby and communicate love.
To a baby, touch is talk, and with these soothing techniques, you and your child can share some of your most fulfilling communicative moments.
Calm and comfort your baby from head to toe with a step-by-step full-body massage; discover ways to incorporate massage into your baby's day-to-day routine; and ease common ailments such as colic, teething, and constipation.
With expert guidance from a Certified Infant Massage Instructor, explore the physical and emotional benefits of baby massage and enjoy this most intimate way to relax, soothe, and nurture.
The Little Book of Baby Massage
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