Childbirth Without Fear: A Straightforward Easy to Follow Guide for a Calm, Comfortable and Confident Birth. Train Your Heart, Body and Mind. a day shipping and buy book presented by Giovanna Crisafulli on 2021-02-16 referenced for you if you want book with category Health & Fitness / Pain Management, Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth, Self-Help / Self-Hypnosis, . a day shipping and buy book made by Erika Young, with page count 102 Pages. you can found sort description at here
Buy Childbirth Without Fear: A Straightforward Easy to Follow Guide for a Calm, Comfortable and Confident Birth. Train Your Heart, Body and Mind. for free
ISBN: 9781801823739
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Do you want to gain more control over your mind and body?
This workbook will help you overcome any fears and unnecessary tension you have about giving birth and will teach you how to gain more control over your mind and body, so you are fully prepared for your baby's birth.
We'll start off by explaining how your mind can influence your body, and the effect of your thoughts and beliefs. We'll then move on to the role of fear, and how to safely identify and overcome your fears.
You will learn self-hypnosis and relaxation, which will provide you with a sense of control and empowerment over your mind and body, both during your pregnancy and when you are giving birth, as well as techniques to help you to manage pain in labour. You'll learn how to relax, remain calm and in control regardless of what is going on around you.
Ultimately, you will increase your confidence and your belief in yourself, allowing you to make the experience of giving birth calmer and more positive. And what's more, research confirms that women who use self-hypnosis are more than twice as likely to be satisfied with labour pain management than other women.
You have taken the first step towards an empowering and positive experience of childbirth, and we are glad to be able to come along with you on that journey.
Pregnancy is a journey which many women have made throughout our time on earth and nature has bestowed upon us all we need to be able to grow a baby and give birth.
It is my belief that if women develop trust and confidence within themselves then their birthing experience will be less daunting. When we understand what is physically happening in our body and trust in the wisdom of nature, we can go forth and birth with confidence in our own natural abilities.
When you begin to realize how wonderful and miraculous you truly are you will find that mother nature has given you everything that you need to be able to bring a baby into the world. So, take the time now to read, learn and grow and you will find that you can connect with your body, your baby and a deep inner intuitive wisdom that is waiting to guide and nurture you as you take the journey into motherhood.
This book covers:
- What is hypnobirthing and who is it for?
- Connect the mind and body
- Bond with your baby in pregnancy
- your birth partner during pregnancy
- Let your birth partner support you during labour and birth
- Release any underlying fears you may have
- Learn natural ways to keep your body relaxed and comfortable in labour
- Discover the best positions for labour and birth
- How to use hypnobirthing for a Caesarean Section and/or a Vaginal Birth after a Caesarean Section (VBAC)
It is the purpose of Hypnobirthing to remove negative thoughts of fear from the cycle of childbirth. Fear contributes to a process of fear-tension-pain which fulfills the prophecy that birthing is going to be painful. The fear contributes to discomfort in the uterine muscles which leads to pain afterwards. The uterine muscles expand for childbirth, normally, by relaxing. It is by replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations that a woman will place herself in a deep calming condition that creates natural endorphins that will shield herself from any discomforts.
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Childbirth Without Fear: A Straightforward Easy to Follow Guide for a Calm, Comfortable and Confident Birth. Train Your Heart, Body and Mind.
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