Panorama: The Missing Chapter from the Memoir Views from the Cockpit buy book cheap by VFTC Universe in date 2020-06-21 is very recommended for you if you find book about Fiction / Romance / LGBT / Bisexual, Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs, Biography & Autobiography / Adventurers & Explorers, . buy book cheap writed by Ross Victory, with page count 122 Pages. You can read book description at the bottom
Read Panorama: The Missing Chapter from the Memoir Views from the Cockpit all pages
ISBN: 9780578602158
After enduring a severe panic attack which left the author attached to breathing machines around foreign doctors, the bisexual-themed Panorama—The Missing Chapter of Views from the Cockpit: The Journey of a Son, expands on the author’s experiences working and living abroad in Seoul, South Korea.
After a friendship ignites and morphs into a curious tale of parallel souls with a Brazilian-American soldier serving in the U.S. military, Panorama reflects on the author’s contemplations to return to a crumbling family life in Los Angeles or to endure his life in Seoul for an end-of-contract cash payout, until things take an unexpected turn.
In Panorama, the author broadens his stance on the importance of moments spotlighting isolation and exposing the perks and ailments of escapism. With precise prose and a thought-provoking storyline that covers eating live octopus, philosophical debates about the gender of God, pregnancy, and bisexual erasure—Panorama stands tall as its own connected yet separate story.
After the author buried his father and brother within a three-year time span, the author attempts to heal past wounds by reframing pain and loss into resilience and personal achievement and provide a template for readers to do the same.
The author reminds readers that as daunting as the vicissitudes of life, and no matter the view from the cockpit of life, the human spirit cannot, and should not, be restrained in loss or passion, and while truth may be the bitterest pill of them all, the effects of truth can bring us closer to an unbroken life. Panorama is best read directly after Views from the Cockpit.
Panorama puts biphobia under a microscope by exposing double discrimination toward bi people against cultural intersections of race and religion.
Core topics: International adventure, masculinity, romance, bisexuality
Content warning: Adult material (language and erotic descriptions)
Dr. Ritch C. Savin-Williams, Ph.D., Cornell University, Author of “Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity among Men”
"In this small book are two masterpieces, a riveting remembrance of several life-altering experiences and relationships the author began in Seoul, South Korea, and an essay, let's call it part tirade, part profound reflection on our view of men, masculinity, sexuality, and romance. You cannot stop until finished because there is no midway, no stopping point as you become a part of his world. After nearly every sentence you scream with or at his observations either with critical reflections or ecstasy. Ross has his pulse on his generation and the most precarious issues confronting sexuality and romance."
Read the full expert review
Dr. Kristie Overstreet Ph.D., LPCC, CST, Host of Fix Yourself First Podcast
"Ross's exploration of sexuality and spirituality is a breath of fresh air in a world full of oppression and discrimination. His writing will have you on the edge of your seat anticipating what comes next. His courage and vulnerability come across on every page, which challenges you to explore your own."
Lizet –Founder of a Black Millennial Perspective on Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships
"Panorama is a soul-baring look at how one man reckons with identity and healing past wounds...Victory’s positioning of his bisexuality within the larger story arc is a needed reminder that hypermasculinity and biphobia do more than just oppress people who are on the receiving end of it; they develop a form of spiritual death. I often found myself wanting to shake the author back to reality. The fundamental question the book wants us to answer: “where do we find love?” and its companion, “what do we do with it once we’ve found it?”
Jodie Shea, LMFT , Relationship, Sex & IFS Therapist, Pillow Talk Therapy
"Ross provides an enlightened new view of sexuality that transcends the physical body. He shares his personal experiences with the struggles of being a Black bisexual male, dating across cultural lines personally and geographically, and the biases within the LGBT community as a whole. Ross' voice is one that is gravely needed to normalize these experiences and push the newer generations into a more progressive future."
William E. Burleson, Author of Bi America - Myths, Truths, and Struggles of an Invisible Community
"From Korea to L.A. to São Paulo by way of New York, Ross Victory’s genre-busting novella challenges all assumptions about culture, race and bisexuality. Complicated, and not at all conventional— Victory presents us with no easy answers."
Panorama: The Missing Chapter from the Memoir Views from the Cockpit
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