River Road a book offers a quality story time experience released by New American Library in the year 1988 recommended for you if you search book with category . a book offers a quality story time experience composed by Charles F. Borgman, with page count 374 Pages. you can look description of the book at here
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ISBN: 9780453006125
"In the year 2012, famed avant-garde poet Eugene Goessler fakes his suicide, escaping with his lover Octavio to a contemplative life in the Brazilian jungle. The road here is a long one that takes him from a relentlessly ordinary childhood in 1950s Cincinnati through porn stardom in New York and bisexuality in California, to the opening of the Museum of Suburban Art in our near future. Goessler and his sidekick, conceptual artist Lola Hampton, are carried by their boisterous sexuality into an AIDS-constricted future that is imagined with daring enthusiasm. Borgman's satire is effective because he cares for his characters; he may lampoon the fads they follow, but he also shows how they define themselves through those fads."--www.amazon.ca.
River Road
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