Understanding Women's Experiences of Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion the best book of the day promoted by Key Centre for Women's Health in Society, University of Melbourne on 2009 referenced for you if you find book with category . the best book of the day composed by with count of page 29 Pages. You can read book description at the bottom
Read Understanding Women's Experiences of Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Final Repirt full pages
ISBN: 9780734039880
This study investigated the characteristics and motivations of women accessing pregnancy advisory and abortion services in Melbourne, Victoria. The study featured an audit of records at the Pregnancy Advisory Service at the Royal Women's Hospital and interviews with women who had previously contacted the service. The report presents the methodology of the study and the findings, which investigated demographic characteristics, circumstances of pregnancy, access problems, special needs, primary reason for seeking abortion, other considerations, and views on services, illustrated with quotes from the women on the multiple factors behind their decisions to terminate or continue their pregnancies.
Understanding Women's Experiences of Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion
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