Cancer in Pregnancy this book uncovers interesting issues of the moment official by Cambridge University Press on 1996-03-28 recommended to you if you want book with category Medical / Gynecology & Obstetrics, Medical / Oncology / General, Medical / Perinatology & Neonatology, Medical / Reproductive Medicine & Technology, . this book uncovers interesting issues of the moment authored by G. Koren, M. Lishner, D. Farine, with page count 221 Pages. you can see book content at here
Purchase Cancer in Pregnancy Maternal and Fetal Risks for free
ISBN: 9780521471763
Cancer in pregnancy, a relatively uncommon occurrence, presents physicians and their patients with a major dilemma: the urge to use chemotherapy, irradiation, or surgery has to be weighed carefully against their risks to the unborn baby. This book is the very first to attempt to quantify these risks and provide physicians with a core of knowledge that will be relevant to making sound clinical decisions in the face of sometimes conflicting interests. The volume evaluates the results of the Motherisk Program, which was set up specifically to address this problem, and reviews maternal and fetal outcomes from a sizeable database of the most common cases of cancer in pregnancy. In reviewing this program and the experience of others in this area, this volume serves as a clinically relevant tool.
Cancer in Pregnancy
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