Growing Baby Bean a Complete Guide to Pregnancy Nutrition as a self-help book for people distribution by Dr Anita Star Nutrition Consultant at 2018-03 recommended with you if you find book about . as a self-help book for people writed by Anita Star, Leah Vadervliet, with page count 272 Pages. You can read book content bellow
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ISBN: 9780646983912
Growing Baby Bean- A Complete Guide on Pregnancy Nutrition.This beautifully crafted book has the answers to all your food and nutrition questions for your pregnancy journey. Written by two expert Clinical Dietitians with over 30 years experience between them, it comes with plenty of recipes and lots of practical meal ideas. It is designed for women who want to give the best nutrition to their growing baby to optimise their health and give them an ideal start to life.There is an explosion of research on the effects and benefits of the mother's nutrition on her baby during pregnancy. We have carefully researched all the latest evidence and medical guidelines on this topic, and made sense of it all for you. You will be soon putting this nutrition advice into practice in your own kitchen, with our delicious, yet simple recipes.Chapters include: 1. Pre-conception nutrition, 2. Special Nutrients and Supplementation3. Food Groups for Pregnancy4. What to Avoid in Pregnancy5 Fish in Pregnancy6. Dealing with Pregnancy Symptoms7. Weight Management and Body Image8. Probiotics & Gut Health9. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus10.Nutrition for Multiples11.Nutrition after the Arrival12.Meal Planning Ideas and TipsAnd there are over 60 beautifully photographed but easy to make recipes suitable for your pregnancy.Dr Anita Star is a PhD trained Nutrition Scientist, Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist. She has been working in Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition Research for 15 years. Her expertise is in pregnancy nutrition, weight management, disordered eating, general paediatric nutrition, and food allergy. She lives with her partner and bright two year old daughter in Albury.Leah Vandervliet is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist. She has worked as a Paediatric Dietitian and Maternal Health Dietitian in Sydney for over 15 years. Her expertise is in pregnancy nutrition, infant growth and feeding, Diabetes Mellitus, metabolic disorders and fussy eating. She is very busy, as well as her clinical commitments, Leah and her husband have two very active boys under three.
Growing Baby Bean a Complete Guide to Pregnancy Nutrition
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