Reinforcement-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders - This book is also packed with tips and expert advice that will keep you feeling enjoy presented by American Psychological Association in date 2012 referenced with you if you want book with category Medical / Neurology, Psychology / Psychotherapy / Counseling, Psychology / Psychopathology / Addiction, . - This book is also packed with tips and expert advice that will keep you feeling enjoy made by L. Michelle Tuten, Hendree E. Jones, with page count 293 Pages. you can found book content at here
Download Reinforcement-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders A Comprehensive Behavioral Approach full pages
ISBN: 9781433810244
"We have developed an evidence-based, positive, comprehensive model for treating substance use disorders. Our model, called Reinforcement-Based Treatment (RBT), differs significantly from most existing treatment programs. This book serves as the treatment manual for RBT and is the elaboration of several unpublished manuals used in clinical trials testing the efficacy of RBT. This text provides complete clinical information and tools for how to administer all RBT components as well as guidelines for how to implement the model administratively and to supervise clinicians using this approach. The techniques, tools, and clinical examples described herein are based on our many years of experience developing, refining, adapting, disseminating, and clinically delivering RBT in both research and standard practice settings.
Reinforcement-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
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